Brightraven Registry of Constructed Languages

The Brightraven Registry of Constructed Languages (BRCL)

The Brightraven Registry of Constructed Languages (BRCL) aims to permanently assign unique, alphabetic, lowercase, four-letter codes to all constructed languages note clearly structurally separate from ISO codification efforts for natural languages.

The registry is independent of any international standards organisation and follows its own schema which grew out of discussions in the Conlang Standardisation Task Force (CLSTF) group during 2015 - 2016.

For an alternate (and older) approach that assigns three-letter codes (qaa-qtz) out of the "reserved for local use" area in ISO 639-3, please visit Rebecca Bettencourt's ConLang Code Registry.


Special thanks to (in no particular order) Andy Ayres, Marlowe Clark, J, Kyle Farrington, Frederic Bayer, John Davis, David Salo, Johanna Idelsonn.


First release of API

The first release of the BRCL public API is now up and running at /api/v1/. The following public resources are available

  /codes -- JSON-formatted list of all the BRCL codes
  /codes/valid-code -- a specific code registration
  /codes/valid-code/subcodes -- JSON-formatted list of all subcodes
  /codes/valid-code/valid-eit-code -- a specific registered sub-code

Hopefully it'll be of some use. :-) Here's an example

New codes approved 2018-07-25

The first batch of new codes has been officially confirmed. We have added four new codes.

	brdg Brooding
	mltj Maltcégj
	nthd Northeadish
	grey Valthungian

New codes approved 2025-01

A second batch of new codes has been officially confirmed. We have added seven new codes.

	oxyu Ox-Yew
	goro Gothic-Romance
	socl Soc'ul'
	zjnv Zjenav
	luth Luthic
	nymr Nymeran
	gray Grayis